Startups across Colorado raised $137.2 million last month, led by a Denver-based digital healthcare platform.
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Startups across Colorado raised $137.2 million last month, led by a Denver-based digital healthcare platform.
It took Matt Weiss and Elsa Fluss just 24 hours to collect $25,000 in crowdfunding pledges for their boardgame carrying case inspired by Dungeons and Dragons.
The LoHi startup, which employs 37, is looking for a total of $3.5 million in its most recent investing round.
The instant coffee startup plans to make hires, release new flavors and market its products at more outdoors festivals and events.
Darrell Ratliff is putting his money on a cheat-deterring casino accessory.
The engineer’s Denver-based robotics company made national headlines in April after debuting Clarke, a recycling and sorting robot.
After two months in Union Station’s WeWork coworking space, a San Francisco-based company has found a more permanent residence in the Mile High City.
The maker of a $500 cooler claims a Louisville vendor left it out in the cold after accepting $30,000 in payments.
“It’s basically to get us cash flow positive,” said CEO Krista Morgan. “It was mainly to give our bank partners comfort in working with us. It helps them to know we’re able to show a strong financial position.”
A new app is flush with cash to create a catalog of images for social media accounts.
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