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2 acres on Speer fetches $18 mil


Legacy Partners, which has developed 8,000-plus apartments in Denver, will add another 332 at 13th Avenue/Speer Boulevard.

New hotel pitched for LoDo

stonebridge Blake Street hotel 9 ftd

A Centennial developer is making plans for a 200-room hotel with retail space downtown to replace a parking lot at 17th and Blake.

Fight against Sloan’s Lake condos faces dismissal

efg sloans lake condo site ftd

A dispute between Sloan’s Lake residents and the developer of the St. Anthony’s Hospital project has hit a new bump as lawyers for would-be plaintiffs try to swap new complainants into the case.

Craig Hospital raises $73 million

Craig Hospital 028 2 Crop ftd

A hospital that specializes in spinal cord and brain injuries and diseases is overhauling its facility with help from a $63 million capital raise.

Unico buys in LoDo

Elephant Corral ftd

Two buyers busy in the Denver market have sealed a real estate deal that hands a LoDo office building and several other properties nearby over to a Seattle firm.

400-apartment project breaks ground downtown

999 17th st ftd

Nearly 400 new apartments, plus more than 100,000 square feet of office space and extra retail space, are beginning to take shape on a downtown block.