9Round vacated its space along 17th in November, and sued its landlord last month.
9Round vacated its space along 17th in November, and sued its landlord last month.
A judge also approved the city’s request for a receiver to oversee CBZ Management’s property.
Danny Newman is back to buying historic buildings.
The seller was the Denver Housing Authority, which had owned the commercial building since 1982 but never converted it into housing.
Creative Density founder Craig Baute said he’d like to find a new location in the neighborhood, but availability is limited.
The property is zoned for mixed-use projects up to five stories. Leasing is an option, with annual rent of $25 per square foot.
“We wouldn’t have bought downtown and we wouldn’t have bought in DTC,” said co-founder Brent Kline.
Uptown’s 3,200-square-foot Orangetheory will be the 21st in Colorado
A $94 million healthcare nonprofit has zeroed in on the site for its new headquarters and hopes to start building over the Uptown parking lot in the fall.
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