The owner of 1275 Grant St., home to Quiznos’ first location, is among landlords that have recently highlighted the jump in property taxes they owe. (BizDen file photo)
A proposal to offer six weeks of relief to some property owners is now official.
Late Friday afternoon, the city of Denver announced that property owners who normally would have had to pay their 2019 property tax bill in full by April 30 can now instead pay half on that date.
The second half must be paid six weeks later, by June 15.
BusinessDen reported prior to the announcement that the deal was in the works.
“An unprecedented number of people and businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we want to do all we can to relieve some of the intense financial pressure people are feeling,” Mayor Michael Hancock said in a statement on Friday. “We are taking full advantage of this opportunity to provide a little more relief for people during this time, and we’re committed to working with our state partners to continue to support our community during this public health emergency.”
Paying in full by April 30 is typically one of two options for property owners; the other is to pay half by the end of February and half by June 15.
Property owners who didn’t pay their first installment of property taxes by February also now are able to pay their first installment on or before April 30 with interest waived. The second half is still due by June 15.
Also last week, the city announced that the 2020 Personal Property Declaration filing deadline will be extended from April 15 to June 15. The State Board of Equalization will adjust the remainder of the valuation, protest and appeals calendar to accommodate this later filing deadline.

The owner of 1275 Grant St., home to Quiznos’ first location, is among landlords that have recently highlighted the jump in property taxes they owe. (BizDen file photo)
A proposal to offer six weeks of relief to some property owners is now official.
Late Friday afternoon, the city of Denver announced that property owners who normally would have had to pay their 2019 property tax bill in full by April 30 can now instead pay half on that date.
The second half must be paid six weeks later, by June 15.
BusinessDen reported prior to the announcement that the deal was in the works.
“An unprecedented number of people and businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we want to do all we can to relieve some of the intense financial pressure people are feeling,” Mayor Michael Hancock said in a statement on Friday. “We are taking full advantage of this opportunity to provide a little more relief for people during this time, and we’re committed to working with our state partners to continue to support our community during this public health emergency.”
Paying in full by April 30 is typically one of two options for property owners; the other is to pay half by the end of February and half by June 15.
Property owners who didn’t pay their first installment of property taxes by February also now are able to pay their first installment on or before April 30 with interest waived. The second half is still due by June 15.
Also last week, the city announced that the 2020 Personal Property Declaration filing deadline will be extended from April 15 to June 15. The State Board of Equalization will adjust the remainder of the valuation, protest and appeals calendar to accommodate this later filing deadline.
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