BusinessDen file photo.
The landlord who bought Declaration Brewing’s real estate in 2018 from the Overland brewery claims it’s owed two months of rent.
In late December, Littleton private equity firm BaseCamp Capital sued Declaration Brewing and owner Michael Blandford for $30,000 in late rent.
The lawsuit, filed in Denver district court, claims Declaration has a lease that goes through 2028, and that Declaration founders Michael and Lisa Blandford personally guaranteed the lease.
BaseCamp paid $2.5 million in 2018 for the 8,000-square-foot building on a 19,000-square foot lot at 2030 S. Cherokee St., according to public records. It leased the space back to Declaration, which had paid $700,000 for the real estate in 2013.
Michael Blandford did not return an email or message left at the brewery. At the time of the 2018 sale, he told BusinessDen the sale-leaseback was the “tip of the iceberg” on an expansion plan. Blandford and Greg Schlichting, who met while studying engineering at Colorado School of Mines, founded the brewery in 2015.
BaseCamp is represented by attorney Donald Farlow from Burns, Wall and Mueller. Farlow declined to comment on the case.

BusinessDen file photo.
The landlord who bought Declaration Brewing’s real estate in 2018 from the Overland brewery claims it’s owed two months of rent.
In late December, Littleton private equity firm BaseCamp Capital sued Declaration Brewing and owner Michael Blandford for $30,000 in late rent.
The lawsuit, filed in Denver district court, claims Declaration has a lease that goes through 2028, and that Declaration founders Michael and Lisa Blandford personally guaranteed the lease.
BaseCamp paid $2.5 million in 2018 for the 8,000-square-foot building on a 19,000-square foot lot at 2030 S. Cherokee St., according to public records. It leased the space back to Declaration, which had paid $700,000 for the real estate in 2013.
Michael Blandford did not return an email or message left at the brewery. At the time of the 2018 sale, he told BusinessDen the sale-leaseback was the “tip of the iceberg” on an expansion plan. Blandford and Greg Schlichting, who met while studying engineering at Colorado School of Mines, founded the brewery in 2015.
BaseCamp is represented by attorney Donald Farlow from Burns, Wall and Mueller. Farlow declined to comment on the case.
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