Email submissions to [email protected].
Elizabeth P. Woodward has been named a director and shareholder with Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe.
Real Estate
Jake Meilach joined Tributary Real Estate as a managing partner.
Nathan “Bear” Krieg joined Taylor Kohrs as a superintendent. He has degrees from Minnesota State University Moorhead and North Dakota State College of Science.
Brent Hanlin has been appointed vice president and senior mortgage banker with KeyBank Real Estate Capital. He had been with Affordable Housing Advisory & Bond Structuring and is a graduate of Kenyon College.
Denver Maw is finance director with Colorado Housing and Finance Authority. He had been the finance manager.
Genene Duran is the dean of health sciences and administration for Emily Griffith Technical College. She had been with Community College of Aurora.
Matt McMichael is a project architect II with CSHQA. He has degrees from Truman State University and the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.
Mark Cevaal, Travis Frazier, Brian Hart and Susan Wade have been promoted to associate principals with Redland.
Rita “Ruta” Sanzgiri is chair of the Colorado Bar Association’s Intellectual Property Section. She is with Sheridan Ross.

Email submissions to [email protected].
Elizabeth P. Woodward has been named a director and shareholder with Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe.
Real Estate
Jake Meilach joined Tributary Real Estate as a managing partner.
Nathan “Bear” Krieg joined Taylor Kohrs as a superintendent. He has degrees from Minnesota State University Moorhead and North Dakota State College of Science.
Brent Hanlin has been appointed vice president and senior mortgage banker with KeyBank Real Estate Capital. He had been with Affordable Housing Advisory & Bond Structuring and is a graduate of Kenyon College.
Denver Maw is finance director with Colorado Housing and Finance Authority. He had been the finance manager.
Genene Duran is the dean of health sciences and administration for Emily Griffith Technical College. She had been with Community College of Aurora.
Matt McMichael is a project architect II with CSHQA. He has degrees from Truman State University and the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.
Mark Cevaal, Travis Frazier, Brian Hart and Susan Wade have been promoted to associate principals with Redland.
Rita “Ruta” Sanzgiri is chair of the Colorado Bar Association’s Intellectual Property Section. She is with Sheridan Ross.

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