A homeowners association is accused of owing $2.1 million for roofing and siding work, and a landlord claims a retail tenant negotiated a lease buyout but failed to pay.
A homeowners association is accused of owing $2.1 million for roofing and siding work, and a landlord claims a retail tenant negotiated a lease buyout but failed to pay.
Landlords sue for rent owed, equipment providers want leases paid and contractors seek mechanic’s lien foreclosures.
A contractor is accused of stealing a tanker truck of water, a real estate firm claims commission is owed for a $2.5 million sale, and homeowners fight over tennis courts.
A plaintiff says he is owed $16.8 million he loaned to a hemp oil company, several contractors claim they were not paid for work they did, and landlords sue for rent owed.
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